Our 3-Steps Jewelry Appraisal Process:
Our Houston jewelry and watch appraisers precisely examine the property to be included in the appraisal report while verifying the brand, model, testing gemstones, metal properties, obtaining measurements, and taking photographs. The information on the items is then recorded in preparation for research and the final appraisal report.
The value calculated for appraisals is based on comparable sales analysis for each item. Research time is the time taken to compile test results to identify the gemstones, calculate weights and determine grades. Time is also taken to locate comparable items, determine manufacture dates, investigate retail markets and consult experts, if necessary.
All completed appraisal reports are to be printed and bounded. Included in the report is a cover letter detailing the process taken and definition of values used; the jewelry, gemstone or watch descriptions with photographs and value conclusions, diamond grading definition page (where needed), references and instruments page along with the appraiser’s qualifications.