When a diamond is present to us by a client for evaluation, many questions are asked, but one in particular stands out: “What are you looking for?”The diagram above represents the best example of what “we are looking at or for”; all of these factors come into play prior to ever making an offer for purchase, for insurance appraisal purposes, or simply educating the client(s) on their diamond.Using a 10X (Power) jewelers loupe, grading the diamond from a face up position, we are able to determine the color and clarity. Exact weight is determined using a certified scale, calibrated for ct (carat weight); please note the diamond must be loose to perform this task. In other scenarios, using a hand-held diamond precision gauge and measuring by millimeters, we are able to determine the ct weight as well, with small room for err.Like most everything else in life, values change; diamonds are no exception to the rule either; every thirty days a new report is issued, sometimes slight, none or noteworthy changes occur.All of this information is broken down and reassembled in layman’s terms to assist clients in reaching their personal goals.